Netball Year 9 - 13 Preseason Training

This exciting opportunity is open to students in Years 9 - 13 regardless of ability. 

These sessions will be run by various leading coaches in the Wellington Region.  Each week a different aspect of the game will be covered.

It is a chance for students to dust off their netball skills  ahead of the school netball trials.


Years 9 - 10

  • A 4 week programme will begin be held on the following dates
  • Sunday 16th and 23rd February and 2nd and 9th March -  10.15am to 11.30am
  • $30 per session
  • Hobson Gym

Years 11- 13

  • A 4 week programme will begin be held on the following dates
  • Sunday 16th and 23rd February and 2nd and 9th March -  12.00pm to 1.30pm
  • $30 per session
  • Hobson Gym